Dr Vivek Kodoth

Dr Vivek Kodoth is a consultant interventional cardiologist at the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospital. His sub-speciality interest is coronary intervention. Dr Kodoth trained in cardiology in Belfast, Northern Ireland and further specialised in coronary intervention after two years of complex coronary intervention fellowship. He was awarded MD from the Queens University, Belfast and he is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. He is a member of British Cardiac Interventional Society. After his fellowship, he was appointed as a consultant cardiologist with a special interest in complex coronary intervention to the Leeds Teaching Hospital, Leeds. Moreover, he is an honorary senior lecturer at the Leeds Medical School. Dr Kodoth, relocated to Bournemouth in 2018, after he was appointed as a consultant cardiologist at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital

Dr Vivek Kodoth sees patients with general cardiology problems like chest pain, palpitation, breathlessness, heart valve disease and heart failure. He performs coronary angiogram, coronary angioplasty with stenting (using wrist artery), complex coronary intervention using rotablation and laser. Moreover, he is proficient in the use of intracoronary imaging using intracoronary ultrasound, OCT and pressure wire assessment to optimise outcomes.

Research and Publications: Dr Kodoth did research on the management of atrial fibrillation leading to the award of MD from Queens University, Belfast. He has published extensively in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, he has been a local principal investigator for multi-centric clinic trials
Dr Kodoth has declared that he does not hold a share or financial interest in the Dorset Heart Clinic or any company owned by the Trust or Regent’s Park Healthcare.
Dr Kodoth has declared that he does not hold a share or financial interest in equipment used at the Dorset Heart Clinic or any Trust or Regent’s Park Healthcare facility.
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