Dr Sujata Khambekar

Dr Khambekar is a Consultant Cardiologist at Poole Hospital, part of the University Hospitals Dorset NHS Trust. I have been in my current post since September 2015. My primary interest is in cardiac imaging, heart failure and adult congenital heart disease. I have been running the Rapid Access Atrial Fibrillation clinic since its inception in 2015. I also jointly run the Rapid Access Heart Failure Clinic with Professor Chris Boos. I conduct the ACHD clinic with ACHD specialists from Southampton. I am also the lead for ACHD services in Dorset. I provide regular sessions in stress echocardiography, cardiac MRI including stress imaging and transoesophageal echocardiography. She oversees the Foundation trainees and junior doctors in our department.

Dr Khambekar has declared that he does not hold a share or financial interest in the Dorset Heart Clinic or any company owned by the Trust or Regent’s Park Healthcare.
Dr Khambekar has declared that he does not hold a share or financial interest in equipment used at the Dorset Heart Clinic or any Trust or Regent’s Park Healthcare facility.
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