Dr Julian Boullin

Dr Boullin trained in cardiology in Kings College Hospital London, Bournemouth & Southampton. He was appointed a Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital in 2011 where he set up and led the ablation service in Norfolk. He also undertook more complex ablation at the Barts Heart Centre, the largest ablation centre in Europe. His personal data has demonstrated excellent patient care and these efforts have been recognised with awards for Clinical Excellence. He has recently relocated back to the south coast with his wife and 3 daughters. He specialises in the management of all types of heart rhythm problems. He performs electrophysiology studies, catheter ablation for all types of arrhythmia and implants pacemakers, defibrillators (ICDs), loop recorders and biventricular pacing systems.

Dr Boullin has published widely and written a doctorate thesis studying the effects of undernutrition in early life on the cardiovascular function in adult life, undertaking research at the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease centre, Southampton University. He established the ablation data collection in Norwich for submission to the National Audit using new software, achieving an exemplary ≥ 97% complete data. The data has demonstrated a high-quality EP service which has contributed to the rise of ablation rates in East Anglia since 2011, increasing to the highest region in the UK.
Dr Boullin has declared that he does not hold a share or financial interest in the Dorset Heart Clinic or any company owned by the Trust or Regent’s Park Healthcare.
Dr Boullin has declared that he does not hold a share or financial interest in equipment used at the Dorset Heart Clinic or any Trust or Regent’s Park Healthcare facility.
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