Dr Din completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of Edinburgh, together with a 1st class intercalated BSc honours degree. He undertook his cardiology training at Edinburgh Heart Centre, training in general cardiology, cardiac CT, and sub-specialising in percutaneous coronary intervention and stenting. Dr Din was awarded the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society Vancouver Island Fellowship, where he obtained further high-volume experience in advanced coronary intervention. He returned to the UK in 2012 after being appointed Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital.
Dr Din sees patients with general cardiology problems including hypertension, chest pain, palpitations, heart failure and heart valve disease. His sub-speciality interest is coronary intervention and stenting, and he has particular expertise in performing coronary procedures via the radial (wrist) artery. He undertakes intra-coronary imaging, pressure-wire measurements, and complex intervention including rotational and laser atherectomy with excellent outcomes.
Dr Din has an interest in quality and safety and is the Lead for Clinical Governance at the Dorset Heart Clinic. He is also a member of the British Cardiovascular Society, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society, and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.