Your coronary arteries supply your heart with the oxygen-rich blood it needs. But a fatty plaque material, atheroma, can build up in your artery walls. This can lead to atherosclerosis, the narrowing of your arteries. If they become so narrowed that the blood can’t get through, your heart can’t get the oxygen it needs. This can lead to angina, which you might feel as pain in your chest. If part of the plaque breaks off the artery wall of your artery, it can cause a blood clot to form, and this can completely block the blood supply to your heart, causing a heart attack.
There are many ways to manage and treat coronary artery problems, from taking medicine to having coronary artery bypass surgery. Our consultants can help you find the best option for your particular symptoms and circumstances.
Monday to Friday:
09:00 – 17:00 hrs
Evenings & Weekends:
By appointment only
We believe the best cardiac care can only be achieved by the best cardiologists in their fields, working together, for you and your heart.
Our consultants are able to offer appointments throughout the week and at weekends.
Dorset Heart Clinic 2023